Monday, September 30, 2019

Satire: High School Students

Satire How to Succeed in School Being a high school student with a fair amount of experience and observation in the field of achieving good grades with minimal effort, I should like to bestow upon current and future high school students some advice that may lead to their success. Before doing so, I would like to make clear that I do not necessarily endorse these methods. It is just observed that the application of these methods is shown to have worked with some of the most highly ranked high school students, the â€Å"elite,† and here’s how they do it, and how you can too.Always wait until the last minute. This may seem counterintuitive, as teachers and parents are always telling students to not procrastinate. However, procrastination is what drives a student to success. Procrastination gives a student the drive to finish that assignment or project that was assigned weeks ago and is due tomorrow. As time boils down, a student’s senses become sharper, allowing the m to focus on the task at hand.How can one not enjoy the excitement of completing a project in the nick of time, or the pride felt when they have bested their friends in a competition of who can survive with the least amount of sleep? This brings me to my second piece of advice: sleep in school. High school life is extremely busy. Students must balance schoolwork, homework, recreation, sleep, and a social life. Since, logically, recreation can only be done outside of school, homework must be done at home, and a social life must include elements outside of school, schoolwork and sleep should be done in school.Students already spend a good eight hours in school. Then afterwards, they must complete hours of homework at home. Therefore, it is only logical that students use some school time to catch up on sleep, as they must be rejuvenated in order to deal with the massive amount of homework awaiting them after school. Study at the last minute as well. Teachers say that students should s tudy a little every day. However, that does not help. By the time of the test, one will already have forgotten what they have learned in the beginning of the unit.Instead, if a student were to study everything last minute, they would remember it all for the test because they have just looked at it. You should study the day before, and preferably, on the day of the test to obtain maximum scores. Pay attention in class. That means, get ready for the teacher to call on you at any minute. It is important to always know what is going on to avoid looking like a fool and getting yelled at. When the teacher is not paying attention to the class, feel free to doze off. You must learn to multitask.Multitasking will help you get a lot more done and make your life easier. A skilled high schooler can do homework, listen to their iPod, watch T. V, eat, and talk on the phone all at the same time. This maximizes productivity and efficiency, giving you time to do other, more important things, like ha nging out or playing video games. Lastly, you must remember that play is greater than work. Play first, and work later. Why, you ask? Well, the fun you have now will release anxiety and stress over the work that you have to do in the future.After all the fun and games, your mind will enter the â€Å"oh crap, I have to finish that project† state. This state of mind will help you keep focus as the deadline looms closer, and maximizes productivity and efficiency as well because you are working your hardest to finish. So there it is. I present to you six pieces of wisdom coming straight from my personal observation of those at the top. Follow my advice, and you will soon find out how much effort is required of those who aspire to be the best.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Children with Special Care Needs Fared Essay

Question #1: Academic Source This research study is from the â€Å"American Journal of Public Health†, Volume 103, and Issue 6. It was published online on April 18, 2013. The authors are, Reem M. Ghandour, D.Ph., Holly A. Grason, MA, Ashley H. Schempf, PhD, Bonnie B. Strickland, PhD, Michael D. Kogan, PhD, Jessica R. Jones, MPH, and Debra Nicholas, MD. This study was printed from the Rock Valley College’s online database. The title of the study is â€Å"Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators: How Children with Special Care Needs Fared†. I pick this study because I am studying to be a pediatric nurse, so children greatly interest me. In high school I had the pleasure to work with about 15 different special need children. It was a really great experience to be able to work with these children since every single one of them was nothing alike. Each had their own unique way of communicating with me. I picked this study because it related to my past experience with children with special nee ds. Question #2: Sociological Theories This study forces on the Interactionist Theory more than the other two theories. This is because in this study it forces more on a group of people, meaning it make is a micro level analysis. The study forces on two groups, Child with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) and children without Special Health Care Needs (SHCN), and there interactions with their family and with themselves. With the Functional Theory, it could force on this study saying that with society support and working together and putting the right influences on these children then maybe there would be the problems that we are seeing. We need to provide a stable and safe environment for these groups of people and in time the problem will go away or be lesser then what it is now. However, with the Conflict Theory, it could just forces on how the society and environment has nothing to do with how these children health turn out. That there has to be someone in every level for it to stay balanced. The Conflict Theory is about the differentials in society such as gender, race, education, children with special health needs would be part of this. The struggle the have to go through and what their family has to go through to be able to make it in their class. Question #3: Variables This study doesn’t clearly state a hypothesis; however it does say, â€Å"the goal of this study was to provide a systematic assessment of key national health objectives, traditionally tracked for the population as a whole, but rarely reported or summarized for CSHCN using data from the NSCH† (e2). The independent variables for this study would be physical activity, mental health, environment quality and also access to health care. Even though the hypothesis doesn’t state all of the individual variables as such but it does state is as the overall well-being of the children being studied, there are the children with SHCN and then there are children without SHCN. The dependent variable would be the outcome of the children such as, being overweight or the use of tobacco, their social abilities, sexual behavior, injury and violence. Question #4: Operational Definitions The independent variables are clearly measured in this study. It says â€Å"Children were defined with SHCN if they experienced at least 1 of the 5 consequences associated with a chronic medical, behavioral or other health conditions that lasted or was expected to last at least 12 months. These consequences fell generally into 2 categories: (1) ongoing use of or need for medical, mental health, educational or other health-related therapies, including prescription medications, (2) functional limitations that prevented the child from engaging in age appropriate activities† ( e2). Question 5: Generalizability The generalization of this study was the leading indicator to how children with special health care needs are fared; these are children from just a few months old all the way to age 18. There were 12,820,481 samples from children with special health care needs and 56,916,484 samples from children with no special health care needs in 2003; in 2007 there was 14,136,454 children with special health care needs sampled and 59,622,162 children without special health care needs sampled. There is a huge difference in the number of samples between the two. It should have been a little bit more evened out to get the best results of them both. Question #6: Sample The sample in this study was both random and purposive. It was random because of the type of survey that was used. There was a â€Å"random-digit-dial and a population based telephone survey that fielded through the State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey mechanism†. Tis study was made random because it wasn’t based on gender, race, age, or background of the interviewee. However, what makes it purposive was that it only was studying a certain age group, children under the age of 18, with parent consent. That was what the study was basic on along with the randomness of the survey. Question #7: Research Under the size of the study I believe that a quantitative approach to the study was the best way to go. Surveying would be the best considering the about of children in a given area and also the fact that they are children, when they are meet with an unusual situation they may tend to act differently than they would have in the daily living, and also the parents may not have been comfortable have someone question or watching over their children for a research project. So in this study I believe that the authors did they correct approach with going with a survey method. It is less costly and can reach a bigger group of people then with the other methods.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Caregiver Stress

ASC 4126 – The AIDS Pandemic Caregiver Stress Caregivers are those people who provide assistance to other people who are unable to perform certain activities on their own because of a physical disability or chronic illness. Formal care can be obtained at home, or from institutions such as nursing homes, and is offered by trained, paid or volunteer professional caregivers. However, informal care, which is usually offered by family members or friends, often in a home setting, is becoming increasingly common. These caregivers are normally inexperienced, untrained, and otherwise lacking the education necessary to maintain their own good health under the stressful conditions they face. Informal caregiving can have significant effects on the mental and physical health of the caregiver, and this will continue to become an increasing social problem in the United States as the population ages and the number of people requiring care outpaces the availability and affordability of professional care. Therefore, it is important to address the warning signs of caregiver stress, the potential health consequences and the ways in which the stress can be managed. Informal caregiving is becoming an increasingly standard function of many American families. It is estimated that there are 29. 2 million family caregivers in the United States, and about a quarter of them are caring for an aging parent. (McLeod) One of the common unintentional, harmful effects that is a reality in informal caregiving is that there is the potential for the â€Å"illness or disability or injury of the one (being cared for to) become such a focus it almost replaces the rest of their identity†. (Article 8) The same kind of thinking can also be used to explain the health risks that the caregivers themselves face. Caregiving can be very stressful, time consuming and demanding. Informal caregiving, which is usually a healthy spouse, child or parent living with the disabled person at home, can be a 24 hour, 7 day a week responsibility. It can consume all of their free time, and therefore the caregiver could potentially lose their own identity, and become unable to recognize the warning signs of their own health deterioration as a result of their commitment to caregiving. These caregivers, as part of losing their own identity, may be putting there own needs behind the needs of the person they are caring for. The result of this is that many of the warning signs that the caregiver is risking their own health are either overlooked, or attributed to being overwhelmed or tired from the extensive amount of time and energy that is required in caregiving. It is important for caregivers to educate themselves about the signs or symptoms of caregiver stress so that they can be sure to maintain their own good health. This is the only way to continue to be able to care for their loved one, as well as to help prevent a medical situation in which they could eventually require full time care themselves. The warning signs of caregiver stress vary from person to person, but doctors and psychologists have formulated general symptoms that people should pay attention to. At risk caregivers may exhibit denial about the disease or its severity, anger at the person with the disease, an inability to concentrate and severe irritability. Other psychological conditions could include depression and anxiety, dulled emotions and frequent memory lapses. They might be quick to cry or get angry, or have the consistent feeling that they simply can not cope anymore. Physical symptoms could include chronic fatigue, headaches, stomach aches and sleeping difficulties. Caregivers might even notice that they are catching colds more often than normal, or that they are experiencing an increase in their smoking, drinking or drug use. About 30% of caregivers use psychotropic drugs, such as sleep-aids, compared to only 20% of non-caregivers. (AlzheimerSolutions) Caregivers should also recognize warning signs in other aspects of their life as well. In their social life they may feel isolation or withdrawal from their friends, or be less interested in activities or events they usually enjoy. Another signal may be reduced effectiveness at their job, or in their other family responsibilities other than the caregiving. (McLeod, Maritato) Doctors and psychologists agree that if a caregiver experiences several of these symptoms, that they should consider themselves at-risk for medical complications themselves, and realize that their ability as a caregiver may become compromised. The importance for caregivers to recognize these symptoms and make the necessary lifestyle changes can not be understated. It is especially important for elderly caregivers, most of whom are caring for their spouse. It has been shown that a caregiving spouse between the ages of 66 and 96 who experience some type of emotional or mental strain have a 63% greater chance of dying than those in the same age group that are not caregivers. (Caregiver. org) But it is not just the elderly that develop serious medical problems related to their caregiving responsibilities. Caregiving related stress can have a severe impact on the immune system, which in turn has a direct influence on our overall health. Even wound healing is affected by the stress associated with caregiving because of the impact on the immune system. One study shows that wounds, such as cuts, take 24% longer to heal in Alzheimer caregivers than in non-caregivers. (AlzheimerSolutions) A weak immune system will also result in an increased rate of infections and serious illnesses. Therefore, caregivers are at an increased risk of contracting common colds and the flu, as well as more serious, chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. O’Brien) Research has shown that 51% of caregivers with significant responsibilities have sleep difficulties. (O’Brien) Lack of sleep can result in decreased effectiveness at work and at home, as well as impairing the ability to be a functioning caregiver. This symptom of caregiving can also have severe health consequences. There is increased research that shows a direct relationship between sleep deprivation and a heightened risk of many major illnesses, i ncluding heart disease and obesity. O’Brien) Finally, it has been proven that the stress associated with caregiving can actually shorten a person’s life if they don’t pay attention to the warning signs and maintain their own good health. This is not something that only the elderly needs to consider, because caregiving stress can affect the physiology of all caregivers. It has been shown that chronic stress can â€Å"accelerate the effects of aging by actually shortening cell life, (because) it leads to weakened muscles, skin wrinkles and even organ failure†. These studies found that this type of chronic stress can potentially shorten a caregivers life by as much as ten years. (O’Brien) In order to prevent these serious medical conditions, caregivers must not only watch out for their personal warning signs, but also find ways to manage the stress of caregiving. Most importantly, caregivers need to take care of their own health. This includes regular exercise, eating nutritious meals, and maintaining regular sleep patterns. Regular medical checkups are also essential, especially if the caregiver is experiencing some of the warning igns mentioned earlier. Perhaps this is the most overlooked necessity, because of either the lack of time, or the constant focus on the person being cared for. It is estimated that caregivers average four doctor visits per year, while non-caregivers average seven. (AlzheimerSolutions) Other ways that caregivers can manage the stress include maintaining their social life, especially their friendships and ot her social relationships, which can serve as a much needed break, or â€Å"escape† from their responsibilities as a caregiver. Caregivers should also be willing to ask for and accept help from others whenever possible. This can include other family and friends, or community organizations such as a local Area Agency on Aging, faith based groups or adult day centers. Adult day centers are basically there to provide relief for caregivers. They provide social activities and minimal medical attention during normal business hours. It is also important for caregivers to have an outlet for their stress, which can be achieved through talking to their friends and co-workers about their experiences. Joining a support group can also be a beneficial tool to learn how to deal with negative feelings. In order to properly manage their stress, caregivers have to learn how to deal with the common feelings associated with caregiving, such as embarrassment, guilt, helplessness and anger, and a support group could really help in that effort. Most people that become informal caregivers do so because of the unexpected illness or injury of a loved one. Because they generally become caregivers without any training or education, they are not usually aware of the possible negative impact on their own health that can be a result of their commitment to caregiving. It is therefore extremely important that caregivers understand the warning signs and symptoms related to the stress associated with caregiving and the potential medical consequences. They need to take advantage of any services available to help them manage the stress, including help from friends, family and the community to ensure that they maintain their own health, and their ability to be a functioning caregiver.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How No Child Left Behind Fails Principals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How No Child Left Behind Fails Principals - Essay Example Just how this is to be done is still unclear. The law has created strict penalties if highly qualified teachers are not hired for high poverty areas. The law assumes that the educational institutes will under this mandate be forced to hire better teachers. The law does not consider the fact that while the principles may want to hire the teachers, the teachers may not want to work under the unstable conditions of schools in such areas. The law does focus on accountability and testing and it does bring to light the groups in society not scoring well on tests. It does to an extent create the need to score better within the school systems. Yet, as the law completely ignores the external factors affecting the scores in schools it has not proven to be effective. The law sees the problem as regulatory while it is actually one based on societal factors. Schools within neighborhoods where poverty is high, have a number of external factors that affect the test scores students achieve. The students come from low income families and usually have low attendance rates, they have crime issues, instability within the family structure and all this combines with having students moving away, causing an unusually high mobility rate for students within the school. Similarly, teachers who are highly qualified and have the ability to some extent reach these students do not want to work in such an unstable environment and tend to move for a better opportunities somewhere else. While theoretically the Act seems to be a step in the right direction, for it forces the parties involved to take action for improvement, it is practically not very effective for it provides no law by which this can be achieved and seems inflexible in understanding the various perspectives involved in the problems faced by the teachers, students and principals whilst trying to provide an education and trying to attain it. Data Analysis The teacher's survey was conducted for two school districts [the Fresno (CA) Unified School District and Richmond (VA) Public Schools] which asked the teachers there opinions of the Act and its effectiveness. Both these district schools catered to low income and minority group students. Findings: The teacher's response was that while the Act was suggestively effective and while they agreed that some sanctions or form of accountability was necessary to ensure that proper education was being imparted to the students, by asking that test scores be monitored and become the basis of the accountability was not the right step. They suggested this would limit their curriculum as the teachers would begin to focus on the test requirements rather than a more critical form of education. The Act requires that teachers be motivated by fear of punishment but the fact is that is not much of a motivator for the teachers surveyed suggested that they see their current position as temporary and within five years they would opt for a change. Limitations The Act is definitely correct in its assumption that the educational standard for the low income area schools has to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Industrial Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industrial Life Cycle - Essay Example Industrial Life Cycle refers to the study of different stages and steps which an industry will go thorough during its entire life. When an industrialist decides to set up a new industry, he must assess each and every stage of production. This technique involves such steps which are used to ensure the economic feasibility of the industry to be set up. The life cycle of an industry can be divided into four different stages; the Start up stage, Consolidation stage, Maturity stage, and the Decline stage. Start up stage is the very first stage of the life cycle of an industry. This is the stage where the growth and development process is immensely fast. This stage could be regarded as the phase of the life of an industry where it is newly born. At this point of time the industry can be a small scale company which has limited production. This is the time when the investment involved is at its peak. The industry does not only require investment to initiate its production, but it also requir e heavy funding for the research and expertise much needed to settle down its products in the market. The Start up stage refers to that point of life of an industry where there is virtually no profit. This is the time period where the revenue generated is at the lowest of all its levels and heavy amount is spend on the development and test prototype stages of the product. Whatever profit is generated, it is reinvested in the industries development processes, preparing it for the next stages to come. Consolidation stage of an industry refers to the time when the growth is not as fast as the initial Start up stage, but still the industry is bearing fruit and keeps running faster than the economy in general. This is the stage where steps are taken to strengthen the industry and maximize the profit. It is during this stage that the break even is achieved and good profit starts to generate. This stage requires good marketing techniques in order to ensure that the product being offered is different and much better than its competitor’s products in the market. The economic factor involved in this stage primarily focuses on the marketing side, because if the product is launched successfully in the market it will ensure its good sale which will eventually raise the profit of the company. During this stage it is also required that the industry carry out researches to improve its already offered product, thus ensuring its sustainability in the market. In the Maturity stage, the growth rate is not as fast as the general economy but this is the time period when growth is not the focus; in fact cash flow and share in the market are the basic targets of the industry. This is the stage when the industry has settled and its product has made the consumer accept its worth. It might be possible that some new industries will try to steal the share of the market of the already existing industry, but it would not be easy. And with proper marketing the industry can ensure its competitiveness. A firm of an industry might pay some dividend or profit to its shareholders during this stage, as the profit is maximized. The Decline or Relative Decline is the final stage in the life of an industry. This is the stage when the growth rate becomes lower than the general economy and the industry may be substituted by a new one. This stage is comes to an industry when its research and innovations fail to face the growing challenges of the market. Thus the product becomes obsolete and

Portfolio Project Part 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Portfolio Project Part 6 - Assignment Example In order to measure the performance of an accountant, it is significant to use the critical incident and BARS methods. A combination of these methods would sufficiently measure the performance of an accountant in the company. A performance management should be able to give employees unbiased, constructive feedback on their performance. In order to ensure success of performance management of an accountant, reviews and measurement of the worker are normally done annually. Measure of improved performance The following combined methods will be used to measure the performance of an accountant i. Critical Incidents ii. Work Standards iii. Straight or Simple Ranking iv. Paired Comparisons v. Rater distribution Using the straight or simple ranking, the accountant will ranked according to overall performance. He or she will be compared with other employees. In addition, all comparison will be based on single criterion, such as overall performance. This is effective because it Compares perform ance of each employee with every other employee in the group. Using the forced distribution method, I will be able to understand how the accountant has performed. This is because the rater assigns individual in work group to a limited number of categories similar to a normal distribution. Further, it assumes all groups of employees have the same distribution (Mondy & Mondy 2010). In rating work quantity of the accountant, i will give careful consideration things such as effect of employee on the general flow of work, amount of work produced in terms of the specific job especially annually, employee’s application to the job, and skill in handling specific assignments of the company. I will award the score as follows: poor, 1 to 6 points; average, 7 to 18 points; good, 19 to 25 points. In turn, I will be able to understand if the accountant has improved performance or not (Smith & Mazin, 2004). BARS and performance evaluation The Critical Incident Method is a form of performanc e appraisal method that requires an individual to keep records and all relevant information of both good and bad employee work behaviors. In case a critical incident influences the company’s ability to operate either negatively or positively, the manager records the information. The BARS method is very effective in portfolio management of workers since it is easy to monitor the actions or behaviors of the worker while at work (Mondy & Mondy, 2010). For instance, when an employee misuse the company resources for personal use, it is easy to report the case to the manager. When it comes to accounting, this method is applicable in the sense that when an accountant makes valuations and evaluation of the company’s expenses and profits for a week, month, or a year, it is easy to monitor the trend of their actions. If the accountant kept the records in a timely way, the management can easily detect problems in their financial system and come up with ways to improve its financi al control systems. The BARS especially the critical incident method can also be applied as a means of job analysis in the sense that it helps analysts to determine actions that are focused on work and other work activities. It helps in making an entire analysis of work and permit transparent performance leading actions to be targeted (Smith & Mazin, 2004). In evaluating performance of a worker, it is vital to have job description and specification. This is because Job descriptions offer precise and a concise

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Stop the Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Stop the Massacre - Essay Example Palestinians only get to hear of the data regarding their fellow citizens who have passed due to the conflict. However, the reporting is also compromised by media houses that are rooting for a western perspective, which has labeled Palestinians as terrorists yet the majority of Gaza residents are peace-loving citizens and have no arms that threaten Israel’s peace and tranquillity. The Israel army claims that it is undertaking surgical strikes aimed at only killing Hamas fighters (Yaakov 1). However, the grim reality on the ground paints a different picture. Most of the dead are innocent civilians who include children, women and the elderly. The support of the western nations for the conflict points at the eroded moral values of the strongest nations, which ought to stand for the enforcement of human rights. The above story paints a bleak future for Gaza’s residents who have become used to the torrential blasts of Israel mortar. This is a story about the contrast in the lives of Israelis and Palestinians. On the onset of the operation dubbed protective edge, Israelis, in amusement, watched from cinemas and cliffs facing Gaza as their army bombarded Gaza from the air leading to the death of innocent people (Yaakov 1). The Israelis, whom the army claims to be protecting, were celebrating as it pounded and destroyed the lives of Palestinians. This was in contrast to the picture painted by Israel’s media, which claimed that its citizens live under the constant threats of rockets. The war against Gaza was based on a false premise publicized by the Western-backed media so that world can turn a blind eye on the atrocities that are occurring during the military incursion into Gaza. The result of this war is the creation of a modern-day concentration camp and the death of even the unborn babies in the wombs of Palestine’s women. Palestinians cannot leave Gaza since they will be exposed to attacks.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

INTRODUCTION TO LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

INTRODUCTION TO LAW - Essay Example There should not be any further assumption in a trial and judgment process. Rather it is supposed to take for granted in addition to supporting previous resolution, whether by resolution or some summary means. This should not be exclusively left to judges, without being backed up by legal rules to advocate that the best way to settle dispute is to opt out of the trial process into alternative depute resolution. Opposing parties should not be left to themselves. It therefore becomes urgent of the legal system to effectuate a means through which any settlement will be achieved at its maximum. This will to a greater extent, reduce the amount of trials. The second assumption upholds the view that the most effective way of settling a dispute is by permitting the opposing parties to go to court. If therefore a trial has to be set into motion, there should be a traditionally adversarial method in which all opposing parties are given equal opportunities with regards to establishment of facts , discovery of evidence and production of witnesses. If this is effective, the trial process will not be wanting of a fundamental principle of fair hearing, although opposing parties may have unequally bargaining powers. The truth is that authenticity of facts or opinion will be distorted and parties will bear enormous costs where bargaining powers of litigants are not at par. There is need for reform. But reform should be more feasible moving from an adversarial to inquisitorial system because this will â€Å"alter lawyers’ conduct within the existing system, a task which†¦is less productive and more difficult than changing the system†1. It is thought of that changing the existing conduct of lawyers will mean that there will be an ascendant of more settlements. Should this be a problem? It may be impossible to completely cause trials to vanish. But it is true that the rates at which trials are brought to court will gradually diminish. Remember that litigants will be more aware of the benefits over which settlement has over trials. Therefore, settlement out of court should not be discounted by the courts. The court should egg on litigant to settle their disputes out of court. This will even be more effective when there is disclosure of facts earlier to the settlement. Remember that settlement without earlier disclosure of important facts will render the settlement unfair. 02 How do you think moving to an inquisitorial system would address some of the criticism raised by the author? The criticism raised by the author relates to disclosure in of evidence and eventual cost of litigation. To begin with, the adversarial method is a method which affords the parties and the counsels a great deal of absolute control over the manner in which facts and opinions are collected and tendered. Maybe, the best way to understand the adversarial method is by reference to what transpired in Whitehouse v. Jordan2. Civil litigation is without doubt, a classic il lustration of the adversarial system. The process calls for neutrality between all parties to the case. Keep in mind that neither side of the opposing camp is obliged to make known more of its evidence before the trial than the other side. It is however, the plaintiff who bears the greatest burden of proof and this is on the balance of probabilities. Remember that this is a standard which is of no benefit to all parties. The character of the inquisitorial method is found in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final Exam - Assignment Example A very good example of technological advancement is mobile phone. The type of mobile phone which we had in earlier times no longer exists now. There is a change in the demand of mobile phone users. This has resulted in the advancement of mobile phone technologies. The users of mobile phones demand functionality and simplicity. This has forced the manufacturers of mobile phone to develop smart phones which are computer minded, easily usable, having more functionality as compared to the mobile phones of past. Further, technological advancements have helped organizations and businesses to save cost of production and time which is an advantage to small business and have managed to use these advancements for gaining competitive advantage. A very good example is 3G/ 4G broadband. The advantage of this super fast internet has been taken by small business to reach the target market with lower cost of operation. However, there has been both positive and negative effect of technological advanc ement. ... Further, it has also increased the health risks as the technological users do less exercise. In the perspective of education, students are more dependent on computers and calculators for solving simple equations. They cannot train their brains for solving a simple task for which they become lame in class. A few technological advancements have changed the human lives in the following manner: Technological advancement has contributed a lot in health care and medicine. This has helped to save the lives of many innocent people. Further, it has improved health sciences and human medicine. The medical students and doctors use medical technological tools for carrying out extensive research on the challenges and problems related to human health. This extensive research has led to the development of treatments and new drugs which help to cure the challenging human diseases and saving the lives of many people and prolonging the lifespan of human being. For example: a smart phone ultrasound whi ch was provided by Microsoft can be used for integrating a USB based ultrasound probe with a Smart phone. This can be used to create a ultrasound device which is simple hand sized for enabling the doctors to image the bladder, liver, veins, eyes, arteries and kidney of a patient in remote areas which can detect any infection easily. This device can be used in many developing countries for saving the life of people. This mobile ultra sound can be used by the doctors without boundaries for helping the patients in remote areas. Certain other technologies in health care include use of nano-composite contact lenses for treating diabetes patients. Neuro-prosthetic chips are used for controlling artificial

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Collaboration with Illegal Domestic Spying Program Essay Example for Free

Collaboration with Illegal Domestic Spying Program Essay The case by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against AT T presents a clear infringement upon personal privacy. The decision to allow the spy agency- National Security Agency (NSA) exclusive access to telephone conversations and email communications of its consumers violates the fourth amendment, which guarantees every American ‘the right to be let alone,† which includes privacy of private, sensitive information. Generally, privacy is â€Å"the expectation that confidential personal information disclosed in a private place will not be disclosed to third parties, when that disclosure would cause either embarrassment or emotional distress to a person of reasonable sensitivities† (Standler, 1997). It is without doubt, indeed, that no individual would like to hear their bedroom conversations heard in republic, or shrug it off if they knew somebody else at Langley was analyzing their private emails and messages sent over the phone. These surveillance programs are in contravention of the US constitution and privacy safeguards instituted by Congress. The fourth amendment prohibits unwarranted intrusion into individuals’ privacy, and the NSA surveillance was not warranted. As it were, they were conducted legal authorization or the approval of the court. Even if the government was ‘collecting criminal evidence,’ in the wake of terrorist attacks on US soil, the fact that the consumers were not aware of the surveillance makes it a violation of privacy rights. Indeed, it is reported that the then President George Bush acknowledged authorizing the surveillance as a strategy to track and monitor terrorists who might be operating inside the US. However, some of his senior administrators are on record of confessing that â€Å"the President’s authorization went beyond the surveillance of terrorists and conceded that the program did not comply with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act† (Sandler, 1997). In any case, it is provided by the Fifth Amendment that â€Å"no person, however guilty, shall be compelled to stand as witness of himself in any criminal case. † In a ruling of the first privacy case in America in 1928, Olmstead vs. the United States, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis argued that it was unconstitutional to collect evidence from individuals without their knowledge and consent. In the case, Omlstead was implicated for illegally distributing alcoholic beverages, on evidence wire-tapped from his telephone conversations. The NSA surveillance program might be justified under circumstances which compromise national security. After the 9/11 attacks by terrorists believed to have connections to Al Qaeda, it becomes a matter of national concern to monitor electronic communications both domestically and internationally. This is more so the case since terrorist groups have taken advantage of technological revolutions in communication to network, coordinate, plan and execute their attacks. Thus, as far as ensuring the safety of Americans is concerned, the NSA has a right, regardless the constitutionality of such a right or the authority sanctioning it, to go the extra mile necessary to provide that security. Nonetheless, the protocol for collecting evidential information to press criminal charges against culprits is clearly stated by the law. Acting outside the bounds of legal provisions infringes personal privacy, which is clearly the case of the AT T and NSA collaboration. This is a government conspiracy to deny Americans their freedom to express themselves freely, which experts have termed as not mere wire-tapping, but a country-tapping project on ordinary Americans by NSA. In conclusion, the bottom line is the unwarranted manner in which the surveillance was conducted, without the consumers’ knowledge. It rests with the provisions of the US constitution. It is every American’s right â€Å"to be let alone. And to guard against the violation of that right, â€Å"every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be deemed a breach of the Fourth Amendment† (Avakov, 164). Works Cited Avakov, Aleksandr V. Platos dreams realized: surveillance and citizen rights from KGB to FBI. Algora Publishing, New York, 2007. Brandis Louis. U. S. Supreme Court: Olmstead vs US, 277 U. S 438 (1928). June 4 1928. Retrieved August 11, 2010 http://faculty. uml. edu/sgallagher/olmstead. htm Standler, Ronald B. Privacy Law in the USA. May 26 1998. Retrieved August 11, 2010 http://www. rbs2. com/privacy. htm

Friday, September 20, 2019

Design Of Two Stage High Gain Opamp

Design Of Two Stage High Gain Opamp A High Swing Ultra-Low-Power Two Stage CMOS OP-AMP in 0.18 um Technology with 1.2v supply, is presented. Cascode technique has been used to increase the dc gain. The unity-gain bandwidth is also enhanced using a gain-stage in the Miller capacitor feedback path. The proposed opamp provides 236MHz unity-gain bandwidth, 109.7 degree phase margin. The circuit has 94.34dB gain. The power dissipation of the designed only is approximately 50uw. The designed system demonstrates relatively suitable response in different temperature. (1)Introduction:-Operational Amplifiers (Op amps) are one of the most widely used building blocks for analog and mixed-signal systems. They are employed from dc bias applications to high speed amplifiers and  ¬Ã‚ lters. General purpose op amps can be used as bu ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ers, summers, integrators, di ¬Ã¢â€š ¬erentiators, comparators, negative impedance converters, and many other applications. With the quick improvements of computer aided design (CAD) tools, advancements of semiconductor modeling, steady miniaturization of transistor scaling, and the progress of fabrication processes, the integrated circuit market is growing rapidly. Nowadays, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology has become dominant over bipolar technology for analog circuit design in a mixed-signal system due to the industry trend of applying standard process technologies to implement both analog circuits and digital circuits on the same chip. While many digital circuits can be adapted to a smaller device level with a smaller power supply, most existing analog circuitry requires considerable change or even a redesign to accomplish the same feat. With transistor length being scaled down to a few tens of nanometers, analog circuits are becoming increasingly more di ¬Ã†â€™cult to improve upon. The operational amplifier is one of the most useful and important components of analog electronics. They are widely used in popular electronics. Their primary limitation is that they are not especially fast: The typical performance degrades rapidly for frequencies greater than about 1 MHz, although some models are designed specifically to handle higher frequencies. The primary use of op-amps in amplifier and related circuits is closely connected to the Concept of negative feedback. Feedback represents a vast and interesting topic in itself. We will discuss it in rudimentary terms a bit later. However, it is possible to get a feeling for the two primary types of amplifier circuits, inverting and non-inverting, by simply postulating a few simple rules (the golden rules). We will start in this way, and then go back to understand their origin in terms of feedback. (2)Basic Block diagram CMOS op-amp:- Operational Amplifiers are the backbone for many analog circuit designs. Op-Amps are one of the basic and important circuits which have a wide application in several analog circuits such as switched capacitor filters, algorithmic, pipelined and sigma delta A/D converter, sample and hold amplifier etc. The speed and accuracy of these circuits depends on the bandwidth and DC gain of the Op-amp. Larger the bandwidth and gain, higher the speed and accuracy of the amplifier Op-amp are a critical element in analog sampled data circuit, such as SC filters, modulators. The general block diagram of an op-amp with an output buffer is shown below Figure 1. Block diagram of Op-Amp The first block is a differential amplifier. It has two inputs which are the inverting and non-inverting voltage. It provides at the output a differential voltage or a differential current that, essentially, depends on the differential input only. The next block is a differential to single-ended converter. It is used to transform the differential signal generated by the first block into a single ended version. Some architecture doesnt require the differential to single ended function; therefore the block can be excluded. In most cases the gain provided by the input stages is not sufficient and additional amplification is required. This is provided by intermediate stage, which is another differential amplifier, driven by the output of the first stage. As this stage uses differential input unbalanced output differential amplifier, so it provide required extra gain. The bias circuit is provided to establish the proper operating point for each transistor in its saturation region. Finally , we have the output buffer stage. It provides the low output impedance and larger output current needed to drive the load of op-amp or improves the slew rate of the op -amp. Even the output stage can be dropped: many integrated applications do not need low output impedance; moreover, the slew rate permitted by the gain stage can be sufficient for the application. If the op-amp is intended to drive a small purely capacitive load, which is the case in many switched capacitor or data conversion applications, the output buffer is not used. When the output stage is not used the circuit, it is an operational transconductance amplifier, OTA. The purpose of the compensation circuit is lower the gain at high frequencies and to maintain stability when negative feedback is applied to the op amp. A. Circuit Operation The final circuit designed to meet the required specifications is shown in Figure 2. The topology of this circuit is that of a standard CMOS op-amp. It comprised of three subsections of Figure2. The topology chosen for this Op-Amp design. Circuit, namely differential gain stage, second gain stage and bias strings. It was found that this topology was able to successfully meet all of the design specifications. B. Differential Gain Stage Transistors M1, M2, M3, and M4 form the first stage of the op amp the differential amplifier with differential to single ended transformation. Transistors M1 and M2 are standard N channel MOSFET (NMOS) transistors which form the basic input stage of the amplifier. The gate of M1 is the inverting input and the gate of M2 is the non-inverting input. A differential input signal applied across the two input terminals will be amplified according to the gain of the differential stage. The gain of the stage is simply the transconductance of M2 times the total output resistance seen at the drain of M2. The two main resistances that contribute to the output resistance are that of the input transistors themselves and also the output resistance of the active load transistors, M3 and M4. The current mirror active load used in this circuit has three distinct advantages. First, the use of active load devices creates a large output resistance in a relatively small amount of die area. The current mi rror topology performs the differential to single-ended conversion of the input signal, and finally, the load also helps with common mode rejection ratio. In this stage, the conversion from differential to single ended is achieved by using a current mirror (M3 and M4). The current from M1 is mirrored by M3 and M4 and subtracted from the current from M2. The differential current from M1 and M2 multiplied by the output resistance of the first stage gives the single-ended output voltage, which constitutes the input of the second gain stage. C. Second Gain Stage The second stage is a current sink load inverter. The purpose of the second gain stage, as the name implies, is to provide additional gain in the amplifier. Consisting of transistors M5 and M6, this stage takes the output from the drain of M2 and amplifies it through M5 which is in the standard common source configuration. Again, similar to the differential gain stage, this stage employs an active device, M6, to serve as the load resistance for M5. The gain of this stage is the transconductance of M5 times the effective load resistance comprised of the output resistances of M5 and M6. M6 is the driver while M7 acts as the load. (3)Design of the op-amp The design in this project is a two-stage op amp with an n-channel input pair. The op amp uses a dual-polarity power supply (Vdd and Vss) so the ac signals can swing above and below ground and also be centered at ground. The hand calculation results provided the estimated parameters (such as transistor width and length, capacitance, etc.) to make the circuit schematic (shown in figure) in Design Architect IC and for the circuit analysis in Model Sim Eldo of Mentor Graphic Tool.Schematic used in this design is C:Documents and SettingsstudentDesktop44132421.png Design of two stage opamp using mentor graphics (4)Simulation Result Using Mentor Graphics EDA Tool we have design High Swing Ultra-Low-Power Two Stage CMOS OP-AMP as shown in schematic window. Fig 1 Fig 2 shows the Gain and Phase plot for basic two stage opamp. After simulation we have analyzed that the gain of the opamp is 94.34db and have a phase margin of 109.7 degree at 40 MHz frequency. This analysis can be made possible using different sizing of the MOS transistor at different stages. There graphs are as C:UsersDellDesktopopampGAIN GRAPH.png Fig. 1 Gain graph C:UsersDellDesktopopampPM.png Fig.2 phase margin plot From the reference paper[14] we have seen that the gain is 90 db which is improves up to 94.3db which is used in any of Analog designing. Table shows the brief of results as PARAMETERS VALUE PROCESS TECHNOLOGY 180nm GAIN 94.34 db PHASE MARGIN 109.7 ° at 40MHZ

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Turning points in modern Japanese history Essay -- Japan Japanese His

Turning Points in Modern Japanese History The late nineteenth century marked the changing of government, policy, and culture within Japan. In order to understand the nation-state as it is known today, it is important to note key events in the turning of the Meiji Nation in to what is now known as modern Japan. Due to primarily discourse between Japan and China, and later Japan and the United States, the modern nation's expansive empire was annihilated. Militarism and expansionism disappointed the empire as China thwarted the Japanese efforts, with the help of the United States. Events marking the change of the Japanese empire in to the modern empire of today include the Sino-Japanese War and its consequences, tensions and international treaties with China, and most obviously, the Pacific War with the United States. These events marked the transformation of a militaristic and expansionist empire in to a democratic nation and ally. Japanese expansionism was politically and economically motivated in the case of expanding in to Korea. Korea, under the control of China, was seen as an economic source for Japan as well as an opportunity to expand Japanese security. After two Opium Wars and the Sino-French War, China had become weak and was unable to resist western intervention and encroachment. Japan saw this as an opportunity to replace Chinese influence in Korea with its own. In 1894 the Japanese entered conflict with China over the territory of Korea known as the Sino-Japanese war. The Tongchak Rebellion of 1894, however, was the turning point in war against China. As Korea was struggling against the Japanese forces, 2,000 Chinese soldiers came to assist the Koreans against Japan. This was seen as a breach of the previously ... ...economic conditions that had made Japan an aggressor nation, and transforming Japan into a peaceful democratic nation. Under the guidance of U.S. general Douglas MacArthur the Japanese were subjected to the most sweeping program of reform they had experienced since the Meiji Restoration. The establishment of Democracy in Japan is crucial in the composition of the modern nation of Japan. The modern nation of Japan is a result of expansionist prospects that resulted in war between the nations of Korea, China, and the United States. Modern Japan is a result of the Sino-Japanese War, conflict with China, and the Pacific War, as well as the process of establishing a democratic state. These events combined (as well as numerous others not mentioned in this paper) marked the transformation of a militaristic and expansionist empire in to a democratic nation and ally.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel-Garcia Marquez. Essay

A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel-Garcia Marquez. The book "A Chronicle of a Death Foretold" by Gabriel-Garcia Marquez is about a murder in a small South American Village. It is based on an actual murder that took place in 1951 in the town of Sucre, Colombia. This novel provides a detailed insight to the culture of Latin America as it pertains to many aspects of an individuals life. Instances such as religion, marriage, death, and justice and interactions due to the concepts of honor and gender. Culture in most respects should be looked at holistically. Examining specific ideas and concepts within it become seemingly difficult because they form an intricate web, which can be related to other concepts and premises. Actions, dialog and even the descriptions of objects, people, and scenes enable readers to formulate a basic outline of the culture exhibited by the society expressed by Marquez. The story takes place in a small South American town some time in the mid-nineteenth century. While the story makes no direct mention of the year or city many sources indicate it was based on an actual event and dealt with people the author knew directly. It is an unconventional recollection of the author to the events prior to, during, and following the murder of a Santiago Nasar, wealthy young local Arab man. A native woman of the town, Angela Vicario had become the love interest of a flamboyantly rich and young Bayardo San Roman, son of famous and renown civil war general. In a matter of four months they were married. On the first night of their union San Roman learned his new wife was not the blessed virgin he thought he married. Angela Vicario was furiously beaten by San Roman and taken back to her home... ... is that as wedding gifts Bayardo received a new car and Angela received a gold plated 24 person dinner set. The indication of gender roles is abundantly clear that upon marriage men take on responsibilities for taking care of family by means of employment and the women practically regress into becoming pure domicile dwelling individuals. Ones culture within a society provides many individuals with many different interpretations of commonly accepted ideas and themes. "A Chronicle of a Death Foretold" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez outlines much of the culture of a small Latin American town and demonstrates the intricacies of culture. Various concepts have direct involvement with the carrying out of other concepts. Defending ones honor in an act that would bring about death coincides with justice, which often times materializes in the act that defies religion

Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown and its Author Essay -- Young Goodman

     Ã‚   Initially, of course, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s literary works went unranked among those of other American and British writers. But his reputation grew gradually even among contemporary critics, until he was recognized as a â€Å"man of genius.† Edgar Allen Poe, in a review of Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† which had been written 12 years prior, said in Godey's Lady's Book, November, 1847, no. 35, pp. 252-6: It was never the fashion (until lately) to speak of him in any summary of our best authors. . . . The "peculiarity" or sameness, or monotone of Hawthorne, would, in its mere character of "peculiarity," and without reference to what is the peculiarity, suffice to deprive him of all chance of popular appreciation. But at his failure to be appreciated, we can, of course, no longer wonder, when we find him monotonous at decidedly the worst of all possible points--at that point which, having the least concern with Nature, is the farthest removed from the popular intellect, from the popular sentiment and from the popular taste. I allude to the strain of allegory which completely overwhelms the greater number of his subjects. So literary critic Edgar Allan Poe thinks that Hawthorne’s heavy reliance on allegory is the cause of his lack of popularity during the 1830’s and 40’s. In 1848 James Russell Lowell wrote a piece of poetry entitled â€Å"Hawthorne† for the periodical A Fable for Critics:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "There is Hawthorne, with genius so shrinking and rare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That you hardly at first see the strength that is there;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A frame so robust, with a nature so sweeet,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   So earnest, so graceful, so lithe and so fleet,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Is worth a descent from Olympus to meet;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   'Tis as if a rough oak that for ages ha... ..... Yesterdays With Authors. 1871.    â€Å"Hawthorne and His Mosses.† The Norton Anthology: American Literature, edited by Baym et al.   New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1995.    Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Complete Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York: Doubleday and Co., Inc.,1959.    James, Henry. Hawthorne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997.    James, Henry. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne,† Nation, March 14, 1872.    Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. â€Å"Hawthorne- 1804-1864.† 1864.    Lowell, James Russell. â€Å"Hawthorne.† In A Fable For Critics. 1848.    Melville, Herman. â€Å"Hawthorne and His Mosses,† The Literary World August 17, 24, 1850.      

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Importance

The Importance Paulo Coelho explained, â€Å"Why is patience so important? † â€Å"Because it makes us pay attention. † Being patient and attention to detail are few of many characteristics that are essential to being a proficient healthcare provider. Healthcare providers have a very important job and these characteristics correspond to one another in everyday actions. I always thought of myself as a very patient person and while working at a daycare realized that along with patience came the importance of attention to detail.Patience is very easy to describe when telling one how to do things, but putting it into practice and living in such manner takes one’s self-control. I have always enjoyed interacting with kids and when I had to get a job in high school, I decided that a daycare would be a great opportunity. The majority of my time was spent caring for toddlers. Patience is essential when working with toddlers.I had to juggle chasing around squeamish, playfu l, emotional kids who were going through their first year of life and preparing to move on to their terrible twos. There were many times when three or four kids were screaming and crying, and, at times I felt overwhelmed but had to keep my composure, so that I could calm them down. Attention to detail is important as it points out and makes one realize how to do things right. While working with toddlers, I had to learn that when chaos was going on somebody needed attention.Daily I practiced observing details, such as when a toddler got whiny and upset; I had to remain patient throughout their crying and see whether they were in need of a diaper change or had gotten hurt. Patience and attention to detail for a healthcare provider can determine the outcome of a patient’s health. As I cared for toddlers my interest and desire for working with children grew. I reconfirmed that I had the characteristics of knowing how to take important issues with time and preciseness to assure th at nothing of importance is left out.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Observing a Math Lesson Essay

A standard in mathematics provides, at the very least, is a baseline or outline to loosely adhere to during the school year. They are at the most though, designed to curricular goals and guidance for the math curriculum (Ferrini-Mundy, 2000). The direction of the future of math standards is equally important. The NCTM is focusing on having every state adhere to the same standards. Traditional teaching and learning is now taking a backseat to an updated common-core driven era because the old ways are dated for the dynamic of today’s classroom. The big difference between a baseline and goal is the minimum requirement and the maximum success rate you are aiming for as a teacher. Just having standards in a classroom and pushing through each lesson to achieve the notion that you made it through each standard produce a sub-par learning experience. There should be goals, not just for getting through standards, but an actual standard of learning each standard. A certain percentage of students should be able to demonstrate a mediocre to high capability of quality work for each standard. Formative and summative assessments could be used to analyze when it is time to move to the next standard. The separation of standards by state requirements show a difference in in the challenge the standards uphold from state-to-state (GreatSchools). After the NCLB Act of 2002, states were held accountable for the test scores, and even more than scores, the progress of their students. States submit their standards and questions for approval. There was a gap however in the quality of questions from each state. The NCTM is trying to find a happy medium for this. Forty-nine states now have adapted or at least begin implementing the new subject matter standards in mathematics (Ferrini-Mundy, 2000). Classrooms are no longer made of just high and low learners. Classrooms incorporate such a vast and diverse dynamic that not only includes a plethora of students that require differentiated lessons, but also consist of students who learn in all seven styles (Burton, 2010).  Being able to transcend information above just delivering it to each student can prove to be challenging. The goal would be to not just deliver, but have students receive, comprehend and apply. Constructivist style teaching and learning offers a gateway to the success of this. Students understand even subconsciously how they learn. Taking an active role in their own learning and mathematical discovery is key to their lifetime learning journey. Peer problem solving, dynamic small group teaching and think pair share offer an engaging premise for this learner’s accountability (Burton, 2010). This however does not mean every aspect of teaching from previous generations is lost. If it is not broke, don’t fix it applies to anything that was successful from all previous teaching methods throughout time. Traditional teaching methods are ideal for basic levels of learning. This is evident when basic information needs to be construed to the students. How to do addition and subtraction type concepts do not require constructivist style learning. Both styles of teaching provide huge upside but also are handcuffed by cons if used exclusively in the class. Constructivist math programs leave low-achieving students behind. Traditional programs may be tedious to high-achieving students (McDonell, 2008). A combination of both should be used for the greatest success. Lesson The objectives of the lesson I observed was to establish two different ways to find the area of triangles. This lesson was used as a base for eventually teaching composite figures and finding not only the area of them, but also the volume. The lessons incorporated problem solving and word problems, heightening the effectiveness of the lesson. The teacher placed the students in group settings. Within each group, students were given two separate problems. After the completion of each problem they discussed how the performed the work and came to find the answer. Once they all agreed on the answer and explanation, they groups were all shifted to a new table which held a new set of questions to solve and discuss. The standards used from the NCTM fall under the measurement and the process categories. It covers a majority of the two standards because of the variety of strategies used in the lessons. Below is all of the strategies used that were pulled from the NCTM website (NCTM, 2014). Measurements Grades 6–8 Expectations: In grades 6–8 all students should– understand both metric and customary systems of measurement; understand relationships among units and convert from one unit to another within the same system; understand, select, and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume. Process Standards Problem Solving Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving Reasoning and Proof Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics Make and investigate mathematical conjectures Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs Select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof Communication Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others; Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. Connections Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics Representation Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable  all students to— Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena Standards in mathematics are important because it allows maximum learning. Being able to produce a lesson and then compare the standards allows educators to revamp or add to their lesson plans and implement more then they initially intended. A lesson can be drawn up and leave out simple elements that if added increase learning and meaning. The enhancement of the lesson will lead to a better success rate for the future lessons this one was meant to be a baseline for. A deeper understanding and comprehension of the area of a triangle makes the transition to composite shapes much easier to address. The methods used for this lesson were ideal. Strategies used were group work and a think-pair-share approach to explaining their conclusion of how they came to their answers we very effective. Although the text does not say, whole brain teaching and modeling methods were used for the first half of the lesson. Demonstration effective learning is important in this particular class because the c lass includes students who fundamentally have problems with simple multiplication even though it is 6th grade. Because of this, she also has to differentiate her instruction. This was done by not only making appropriate group dynamics but also giving low students’ multiplication charts so that they may solve the work on their own. This was not counterintuitive at all because the purpose was to understand solving for area. The school is low economic status, and technology is scarce. Technology was not used but could have been at basic levels. It could have been used to submit their work, to include their explanations. This would provide a means for accountability. It could have also been used for interactive websites intended for solving area. Technology was not used, but manipulatives were. Each problem consisted of its own cut out to measure. One of the changes I would have made to this lesson would be to allow students to measure something around the classroom. I noticed quite a few triangular shapes in her class to include an awesome Avengers kite. Assessments of the lesson included exit cards for that day  and when the section of the lessons was concluded, multiple tests were taken. The teacher used all of these assessments to her advantage. She addressed necessary review time because of them, making the overall lesson an absolute success. Other than allowing students free reign at the end I wou ld not change anything about this lesson. This will be yet another lesson I steal and use for my own classroom. Resources Burton, M. (2010). Five Strategies for Creating Meaningful Mathematics Experiences in the Primary Years. YC: Young Children, 65(6), 92-96. Ferrini-Mundy, J. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics: A guide for mathematician. Notices of AMS, 47(8), 868-876. Retrieved from GreatSchools Staff (n.d.). State standardized test scores: Issues to consider. Retrieved from Lee Yuen, L. (2010). The Use of Constructivist Teaching Practices by Four New Secondary School Science Teachers: A Comparison of New Teachers and Experienced Constructivist Teachers. Science Educator, 19(2), 10-21. McDonell, J. (2008). Constructivist versus traditional math programs: How do we best meet the educational needs of our students?. (Master’s thesis, Carroll University). Retrieved from NCTM. (2014). thstandards and expectations. Retrieved from Winstone, N., & Millward, L. (2012). The Value of Peers and Support from Scaffolding: Applying Constructivist Principles to the Teaching of Psychology. Psychology Teaching Review, 18(2), 59-67.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marco Polo Worships the Great Khan

Traveling from Cathay to Tinju, there is not a single page in The Travels of Marco Polo where he does not mention the Great Khan.   Whether this is a positive or a negative, the power of the Great Khan is routinely emphasized and the leader is repeatedly discussed in terms of his ability as a ruler.   . A great deal of the reason for this is that when one looks at a different culture and its history, there is a tacit avoidance of providing judgment on the way the militarism of a culture may conduct itself. Through his travels in China, Marco Polo depicts the Great Khan as a powerful, benevolent, and ambitious leader of East Asia. It is easy to see that the Great Khan had great power throughout most of China.   In chapter 4 of The Travels, Polo describes various visits to different locations in northern and southwestern China.   He states clearly that â€Å"Tibet belongs to the Great Khan, as do all the other kingdoms and provinces and regions described in this book, except only the provinces mentioned at the beginning of our book which belong to the son of Arghun† (174). In chapter 5, all places that Polo visits use the Great Khan’s paper currency and the people remain subjects of the Great Khan.   In his description of the journey from Ho-Kein-fu through Kein-ning-fu, the idea that stands out   is that â€Å"people are idolaters, subjects to the Great Khan and using paper money† because such a brief and generalized statement provides significant insight into the overriding themes of the Great Khan’s motivations. (211). However, in different areas under Khan’s rule, a unique monetary system was used.   For example, Kaindu had very unique hard currency: â€Å"They have gold in bars and weight it out by saggi; and it is valued according to its weight.   But they have no coined money bearing a stamp† (176). Ironically, in some instances, salt was used as short change currency. Traders in Tibet made an immense profit, because they could use the salt in food as well as for buying the necessities of life.   In the cities they used fragments of salt blocks in cooking and spent the unbroken blocks. However, regardless of the fact that Kaindu did not use the Great Khan’s money, the Great Khan’s influence remained strongly evident within these providences.   Kaindu was subject to the Great Khan and it was in an area known to have an abundance of pearls.   Regardless the Great Khan would not let anyone harvest pearls because he believed harvesting too many pearls would eliminate their scarcity and lead to a significant devaluation. Thus, â€Å"The Great Khan, when he has a mind, has pearls taken from it for his own use only; but no one else may take them on pain of death† (175) There was also a mountain there with a plentiful supply of turquoise which produced very fine gems but the Great Khan would not allow them to be taken except at his bidding. This would seem to indicate that the Great Khan’s brash exterior hid a very insecure interior. That is, he seemed to desire wealth and treasure as a way of propping up his own image. Allowing greater access to wealth and precious metals was, perhaps, something the Great Khan feared because it would chip away at his ‘loftiness’. (175). Marco Polo also conveys the notion that the Great Khan maintained a sense of benevolence that tempered his displays of power.   In particular, Polo’s story about Litan emphasizes this benevolence.   Tandinfu was a very large city and once a great kingdom, but the Great Khan had conquered it through force of arms.   In 1272, the Great Khan had appointed one of his barons, Litan Sangon, to hold this city and province.   However, Litan planned a monstrous act of disloyalty when he and his followers rebelled against the Great Khan in a stunning display of disobedience.   When the Great Khan discovered this, he sent his militia to confront them. When Litan was defeated, the Great Khan pardoned those who served under Litan forgave them for their trespasses and indiscretions.   Those who were pardoned never afterward displaced any disloyalty towards their great leader.   This story reflects the Great Khan’s benevolence because, unlike other leaders who would respond ruthlessly to opposition, The Great Khan instead made them into the most loyal subjects by bestowing a pardon to them. It is clear the Kubilai Khan was exceptionally ambitious and this is what made him so powerful and played a great part in allowing him to conquer most of Asia.   Polo’s description of the conquest of Manzi evokes the ambitiousness of the Great Khan.   After conquering many cities and countries, Kubilai was still not satisfied and continued the expansion of his territory. He attempted to conquer the great province of Manzi, a wealthy territory.   The king of Manzi had discovered through astrology that he could not lose his kingdom except at the hands of a man with a hundred eyes.   In response,   Bayan Chincsan, known as â€Å"Bayan Hundred-eyes,† was sent into Manzi by order of the Great Khan.   Bayan succeeded and Kubilai finally conquered Manzi. This clearly demonstrates the Great Khan’s desire to expand his power base from all fronts. Perhaps, in a way, it depicts over ambition as opposed to logistical, military expansion. Ultimately, this type of imperialism would later lead to Khan’s eventually overextension and downfall. From Marco Polo’s descriptions of the influence of the Great Khan throughout most of China, it appears that he was a powerful sovereign whose impression on history still resonates to this very day.   However, Marco Polo’s presentation of the Great Khan drafts an image of the Great Khan as the only leader who could rule and dominate the world Although Marco Polo’s explanation that many cities he visited were ruled by the Great Khan is true, to the reader it seems like he venerated Kubilai Khan above all others. Perhaps Marco Polo was in such awe of Khan, he sought to see him as a great leader as opposed to a destructive, predatory imperialist and from this, an idealized version of history was cr

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Puddle Girl Essay

She gazes out the window, self-consciously adjusting the straps of her shirt. She shivers as a chill creeps out from the weathered window pane and draws a limp cardigan from the overstuffed chair she has perched herself upon. The pounding of the rain slowly begins to abate and diverts into a soft, gentle roll of tears from the sky. She clasps the cardigan closer to her body, as she mentally counts off the number of ribs she can feel through the heavy, wool blend. Haplessly she utters the sigh of a woman far beyond her years and reaches to open the beckoning door. Her frail, ivory hand encloses on the scuffed brass door knob and she abruptly looks about her, as if she is waiting for someone to reprimand her. She braces herself against the wind’s knocking chill and steps out into the blighting, crisp, after-rain air. Though she is wearing the two layers she had previously dressed herself in that grey morning and the four other layers she had wrapped herself in throughout the day , she still shivers, the drizzle gently pinpricking her spine. The soft, baby hairs rising on her arms, she raises her diminutive hand to touch the baby-fine smattering of gold silk upon her head, to find that it drifts off through her bony fingers to the earthen ground. She touches her head again and this time her gaze lands upon the aimless settlement of one golden strand. Whirling and twirling, it’s angelic decent is cushioned by the tender rain’s droppings that had accumulated into a softly swirling puddle. In an impulsive childish manner, she squats down alongside the water mass and peers at the blustery, silken strand. As it writhes and dances across the still body of water, it creates perfect, symmetrical ripples of movement and sooner than later, to the young girl’s objections, the hair is stifled by the peaceful puddle’s saturation. And just as her lips utter yet another far-matured sigh, a reflection subsequently appears and the girl, in a melancholy, self-induced habit stares at the image impressed upon the water’s glass. There is a girl in the puddle and she stares back with a desolate stare. Where once sparkling blue eyes glistened is now replaced with the color of grey misery, the twinkle engulfed in the world’s shallow appetite. Her cheeks sunken with the sharp edge that only appears with years of self-destruction and facial expression contorted into the tightness of concentrated self-loathing. Convulsing, the young girl abruptly shatters the ebbing puddle girl’s image, sending her nose, eyes, and tight-lipped un-smile into all directions. Trembling from  anger, fear, pain–a mixture of such pure and raw emotion that to describe it would be impossible–the young girl crumbles down onto the cold, unyielding cement. Cradling her head, allowing the swirling torrent of feelings to take over her being†¦once again the rains begin to fall and as each drop rolls down her once rosy cheeks, she sobs and thinks of days gone past.

Friday, September 13, 2019

People, Organisations and Society. (the question is in below,,It is Essay

People, Organisations and Society. (the question is in below,,It is the same as my last order,plz do not write similar),thanks - Essay Example This would be necessary to identify which tools need to be used in the training process (Hergenhahn, 1976). The paper is based on the belief that the behaviorists’ theories and principles more or less are means to reach an end and not itself the final destination. Educational psychology has witnessed an increasing role of learning theories. Due to this a practice of highlighting the importance of training theories have become common amongst educators and trainers. This multidisciplinary theory of learning involves fields like organizational behavior, social psychology and also training and development. Hence the academicians and practitioners study diversified fields that moves I different directions. These theories will help to perceive their applicability in the areas of training and development. The paper relates to the roles played by these theories, which are also analyzed. Training involves an alteration and development of a certain behavior through the instructions of a trainer or an instructor who performs content-based intervention. Learning is essentially a personal act and how we learn can only be answered through learning process itself. The questions are also answered with the help of the literature on learning. This becomes a framework of the program for training and development. Thus learning is mainly an intervening tool that causes the change in behavior during training. There are mainly two stages of learning involved in training – acquiring of skills and knowledge and the application of these or putting this knowledge into action. Thus training is differentiated from education. Training involves a predetermined goal to be reached while learning does not have any set objectives but is an integral part of training (Skinner; 1968). Learning process comprises of several viewpoints. In order to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Edible bird's nest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Edible bird's nest - Essay Example They are also available in supplements in form of capsules, chewable and liquid. There are various strains of probiotics but the most common are lactobacillus and bifid bacterium. Many of the health claims about probiotic yogurt still require more scientific research to be carried out in order to ascertain the claims. One of the major claim is that probiotic yogurt can change the makeup the gut bacteria for the better. A study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles in the USA discovered that probiotics can alter the brain function as well. As such, these findings could guide experts in creating dietary interventions that alter mood, anxiety, and stress as well as pain sensitivity. Scholars assert that symbiotic gut bacteria which are the complex ecosystem of micro organisms that are found in the human digestive system promote health benefits by boosting a person’s immunity and as such help with food digestion, maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure (Heasman et al, 2001). Probiotic yogurt can be used at the work place to keep the workers energized especially for those who do manual work such as construction. It can also rejuvena te the emotional state of the people who are undergoing training or when seated in a seminar hall listening to lectures. This will keep people alert as it is said to boost concentration. Students should also be encouraged to take probiotic yogurt to enhance their understanding in class as well as improving their brain performance. Studies done on rodents seem to suggest that dietary changes to the gut bacteria altered the emotional behaviour and sensitivity to pain. However, there is little evidence to prove that bacteria eaten in food can alter brain function. In a study by the same university, a research was conducted that revealed that those who ate probiotic yogurt for a month showed improved brain function in both resting brain activity

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Recognizing and Managing Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Dysfunction Research Paper

Recognizing and Managing Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Myocardial Infarction - Research Paper Example I agree with this thesis particularly because the absence of symptoms or signs of LVSD in myocardial infarctions makes a timely diagnosis of the condition to be significantly crucial for the survival of the affected patients. Epidemiological data on the etiology of Asymptomatic left ventricular Dysfunction in Europe and America suggests that nearly 60% of patients develop the condition after suffering from myocardial infarction. According to Gheorghiade  and Bonow (1998), â€Å"myocardial infarctions survivors usually have an increased risk of LVSD.† Consequently proper and early disease management models should be established to ensure cases of the disease are detected and managed effectively. Similarly, a number of critical pathways can now be effectively used to improve detection and detection of asymptomatic LVSD. On the other hand, one-half of LVSD patients are asymptomatic. In this regard, the early detection and management of the condition in post-myocardial patients can significantly help nurses to reduce mortality in the asymptomatic cases. Some of the evidence-based practices and techniques employed in the early diagnosis of the disease include radionuclide imaging, echocardiography, and ventriculography (Goldberg  and Jessup, 2006). All these strategies are important in the intervention of the dysfunction and the improvement of the quality of life in the affected patients. A number of evidence-based practices can be employed in the assessment of LVSD in patients who have suffered from myocardial infarction. One of the effective multidisciplinary approaches is carrying out an assessment of the disease in myocardial infarction survivors (Timmins and Kaliszer, 2001). Additionally educating such patients on their conditions can help doctors and clinicians to detect and prevent some the risk factors that may increase progression to heart failure.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Positive & Negative Effects of Labor Unions on the United States Research Paper

The Positive & Negative Effects of Labor Unions on the United States Economy - Research Paper Example Households that have current union members positively view labor unions as having positive effects on American economy than those with former union members and those who have never been union members. People in different income levels observe that unions have positive effects on members’ benefits, working conditions and salary. On the other hand, the bureau for statistics for US says that households in current unions also believe that unions have a positive impact in workplace and US economy. 48% of union household members agree to this, while 34% of the former union members oppose it. In the US, workers who are members of unions receive more benefits at the cost of those who have no unions. However, it has been discovered that unions are fighting for the rights of member workers, but at the same time trying to reap large bundles of their own benefits. The worst problem is that this reduces the competitiveness of US companies in global markets and consequently the economy (Thomas, John, & Valletta, 2004). The authors further state that the benefits of union workers are derived from bargaining power of the union, monopoly, and the face of collective voice. It is clearly evident that labor unions are mainly good for US workers as opposed to the competitiveness of the economy. A research presented by Bureau of Statistics for US in 2009 shows that the rating in favor of labor unions is 45% and though at a low level, it is an expression of a positive view. The rating for business corporations is 47% which also indicates a favorable impression; drop is about a historic low. The expression of American view of labor union’s effects on wages and working conditions are mixed. 53% of them believe that they positively affect union workers’ benefits and salaries, while 17% argue that they have negative effects. The table below shows the declining

Monday, September 9, 2019

Skills and Competitiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Skills and Competitiveness - Essay Example Advancement in technology has placed an even greater demand for skills. This is because the rate of technical change leads to higher levels of uncertainty for organizations which results in greater demand for problem solving skills   (Streeck, 1989). Countries such as the U.K are facing pressure from emerging countries such as India and China owing to their high growth rates and supply of high skills. Also, the demand for a highly skilled workforce has increased in the midst of intense global competition which has forced companies the developed nations to engage in ‘diversified quality production’ (Streeck, 1989).   On the contrary, critical studies have downplayed the importance of skills in securing innovation. In fact, the recent trend towards innovation may require â€Å"de-skilling† or reduction in the content of skills (Toner, 2011). According to these authors, the reliance on skill development through training has been reduced. This is attributed mostly to developments in the labor market such as self-employment and casualisation which require non-standard nature of work   (Toner, 2011). Furthermore, labor migration and labor mobility have further increased the power of workers and have reduced the incentives for firms to invest in developing skills of workers. Furthermore, the increased female participation in labor also acts as disincentive to train female employees with skills that they know will no longer benefit the organization once the females quit work (owing to family responsibilities or maternity leaves).

Toyota 2010 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Toyota 2010 - Term Paper Example This meant that the driver would not always be able to stop the car when he pulled the brakes consequently causing serious accidents (Jackwin, 2010). The second recall was made on January 21, 2010. Numerous crashes were reported which could not be explained by the floor mat incursion. Research indicated problems with the mechanical sticking of the accelerator pedal which Toyota labels sticking accelerator pedal. After a series of research findings Toyota recalled approximately 5.2 million vehicles with regards to the floor mat problem and an additional 2.3 million with regards to the accelerator problem (Stewart, 2010). These decisions were a result of numerous investigations carried out by Toyota along with the U.S. NHTSA and Japanese transport ministry. After numerous complaints being filed, US safety regulators carried out an investigation into Corolla steering complaints on Feb 17, 2010. The biggest challenge facing the investigators was to differentiate between accidents caused by mechanical or technical faults in the vehicles and those that were merely a result of driver error. Both the Wall Street Journal and USA Today suggested that even when the dealers and automakers realized the cause was driver error it was not always possible for them to say it explicitly, so as to avoid appearing insensitive to their customers (United States, 2010). Investigations were also carried out by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The MLIT investigated on the sudden acceleration complaints and released its findings in February 2010. Revealing that out of the 134 cases logged by the ministry between 2007 and 2009, Toyota accounted for 38 cases. However it also stated that since Toyota’s market share was huge approximately 28% the rate found was not unusual. When confronted with the issue the president and CEO of Toyota Akio Toyoda issued a statement

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Independent Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Independent Learning - Essay Example The process of integrating the learners into the education system allows them to  start  connecting with the outside world. Therefore, they have the ability to  learn  and think for themselves, and not wait for their teachers. Independent learning abilities are an  indispensable  training  for life and for  change  to, and success in, occupational,  college  or higher  learning  courses. Independent learning skills  support  students’  capability  in assessing, recording and reflecting on their education.  Steinberg and Davidson (2005: p467)  state  that also  promote  independence in organization, decision-making and problem-solving.  Nonetheless, they take time to  institute  and, for several students, require  premeditated  modeling and teaching. Therefore, if students are to become actively engaged in increasing their  autonomy  in their  personal  education, they must first of all  gain  the  aptitude   to learn how to  study. A supportive  setting  that permits students to learn from errors and  develop  about their successes is a  prerequisite. Ideally, such  ability  building will be in progress  early  and  continuous  throughout a  person's  learning  (Cooper, Kiger, Robinson and Slanky, 2011: p65).... Fulfilling such requirements is satisfying in itself, and such rewards  uphold  learning successfully than do grades.   Therefore, teachers may  design  in-class activities, assignments, and  discussion  queries to  tackle  these types of requirements. The teachers should  make  learners active participants in education. Students learn by making, designing, doing, creating, writing, and solving.  Passive learning dampens learners' enthusiasm and inquisitiveness.  Teachers  are supposed  to  pose  questions, and not  inform  students something when they can  ask  them. Furthermore, they ought to  encourage  students to  propose  approaches to a quandary or to  speculate  the outcome of an experiment. The students may be divided into small groups, encouraging interaction and sharing their different ideas on the subject. Research has revealed that an  educator's expectations have an  influential  consequence on a student's perf ormance.  Thus, if a teacher acts as though he expects  motivation,  interest  and hard work from his students in the course, they are more likely to be so.  The teachers need to  set  practical  expectations for learners when they  grade  examinations, give presentations,  formulate  assignments and  conduct  discussions. "Practical" in this perspective means that the teacher’s standards are  high  enough to  inspire  learners to  do  their most  excellent  work but not so high that learners will predictably be discouraged in attempting to meet those expectations. To build up the  drive  to achieve; learners must  believe  that  realization  is possible, which means that the teacher needs to  present  early prospects for success. Teachers should  assist  students in setting achievable objectives for themselves.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

London Borough of Merton Council Essay Example for Free

London Borough of Merton Council Essay The organization that I am researching is the London Borough of Merton Council. This organization is of interest to me as my father works in the building as head of Planning and Public Protection. He will be my main contact point in the Council as he has worked as head of IT Services in his previous Council. The work done in the council I also find interesting. The Council is situated in the South of London in Merton Civic Centre. The Councils IT infrastructure has recently been upgraded as part of Downing Streets E-Government plan. A variety of systems were upgraded and new solutions introduced as part of this. The responsibilities of the council are outlined in this statement taken from the Merton Borough Council Website1: commits the Council to provide clear leadership to the community in partnership with residents, businesses, the voluntary sector and other organizations; support the active involvement of the public in the decision-making process; take decisions efficiently and effectively; identify clearly those responsible for decision making and hold them to account; and improve the delivery of services to the community. The council must provide services for the entire borough of Merton, some 168,470 residents. The Council provides services to the residents and businesses of Merton in four departments: Education, Leisure and Libraries This department is involved in working with schools, libraries and youth to maintain a high level of achievement in the area. It also evaluates the Leisure facilities in the area and relates them to other departments. It also works to ensure equality of opportunity for all through the services it provides, its commitment to inclusion and its contribution to the social and economic regeneration of the borough Environmental Services. The Environmental Services department is the largest in the council and aims to maintain and improve the local environment and economy of the Borough through the delivery of quality services and through regeneration and partnership initiatives. Its services are wide ranging, affecting everyone living in, working in or travelling through the Borough. It is involved in many areas, for example regulation, which includes development control, building control, environmental health and trading standards, highway licensing and parking enforcement, and environmental maintenance which includes refuse collection, street cleaning and highway maintenance. Financial Services The Finance Department provides the Councils Financial Management Framework. It rigorously manages the councils budget to help managers control expenditure in their relative department. The Finance Department also collects all monies from residents and businesses and tries to make these payment methods more accessible using the Internet, Merton Link and the Call Centre facility. The Department also strives to make the financial documents of the council easier to understand and read. Housing and Social Services. The Housing and Social Services department is responsible for the management of housing solutions in the area and Social care for residents. Its responsibilities range from the allocation and management of Council Housing waiting lists to evaluating and inspecting Childcare services in the borough. Merton has recently been examining ways to make access to services easier for all its customers. It has also been looking at improving links with its suppliers, agencies, central government and other organisations it has to work with. The aim is to build services around the needs of the customers, with improved responsiveness and quality. In order to achieve this goal, Merton will make full use of information technology (IT) to deliver services seamlessly and at times to suit the needs of the citizen. Within the next four years customers will be able to access services through the Internet, digital televisions, and mobile phones, as well as walk-in and telephone customer contact centres. This project will be called e-merton, and will run from now to 2005. The e-merton project is designed to provide access to services electronically, and will help Merton meet the Governments target of having all services available electronically by 2005. However, the Council recognises that personal contact will still be necessary to meet the diverse needs of customers. Also, the Council will ensure that nobody is excluded from receiving modern service delivery due to their status, special needs or location. The IT system within the council spans the whole organization and every Council Officer has their own workstation. The workstations are used for E-Mail communication and personal management as well as general typing duties. The Council also owns large industrial drawing scanners for the input of development and architectural drawings for Building Control (Planning) applications. Digital cameras are also used for working in the field and providing evidence for Environmental Services investigations. The area of the council I shall be focusing on in my study is a new Council Benefits and Building controls system recently installed by a St. Albans IT company. The system covers the whole of these areas from paying council tax online to scanning and cataloguing architectural drawings for building plans, covering three departments in the council. I shall be studying the installation of the new system, problems, training etc and the evaluation of the system by users. My contact within the council, my father, will provide extremely good links with IT department administrators and to documents relating to the recent installation and evaluation of the solution.